Blogtour, review and GIVEAWAY: Busted by Gina Ciocca

Hi Munchworms!

BustedA little while back – okay, a bit longer than a little while, but I wanted to get on top of my eARC’s back then.. – I read Busted by Gina Ciocca.
I expected it to be a light contemporary read but it ended up being… more!

Marisa wasn’t planning to be a snoop for hire—until she accidentally caught her best friend’s boyfriend making out with another girl. Now her reputation for sniffing out cheaters has spread all over school, and Marisa finds herself the reluctant queen of busting two-timing boys.

But when ex-frenemy Kendall asks her to spy on her boyfriend, TJ, Marisa quickly discovers the girl TJ might be falling for is Marisa herself. And worse yet? The feelings are quickly becoming mutual. Now, she’s stuck spying on a “mystery girl” and the spoken-for guy who just might be the love of her life…

The good

I started reading Busted just before work. I ended up flying through it as soon as I got home. I just wanted and needed to read without stopping. This novel is so fast-paced you barely have time to catch a breath and sometimes that’s exactly what I need.
Even though there’s some teenage slang used once in a while, it didn’t really bother me all that much. I simply was too immersed in the story to think about it.

When it comes to the actual story, there are twists and turns you cannot imagine! There were things I saw coming, but there were other things that pretty much couldn’t have surprised me more. It made reading this novel much more fun than it otherwise would’ve been. I really applaud Gina Ciocca for integrating so many twists and turns in her story!

After the way Jordan had broken my heart, wanting him to secretly pine for me made me human, not weak. At least in my opinion.

The bad

But maybe there were a bit too many twists and turns? Although they were executed brilliantly, I sometimes started feeling lost and confused. In the second half of the novel so many things happen that I think I might have to reread the whole thing to really grab what happened and how everything fit together. So you might say that I feel like I’m not done reading, like there’s some unfinished business left. I don’t like unfinished business…

Although it still is a novel filled with teenagers, the teenage drama sometimes overwhelmed me to the point of “When is it going to stop?!” Maybe I’m just getting to old to read novels like this – no, 25 isn’t thàt old, right?! – or it simply was a bit too much. Pretty sure this made some things predictable as well.

He was never supposed to enjoy spending time with me. And I sure as hell wasn’t supposed to like being with him.

Overall I did enjoy this read, but some things just could’ve made it better for me.

Three yummie cupcakes!



As for the munches, let’s go with some delicious ice cream. But no vanilla! Mango ice cream rolls with caramel!

Buy this novel now:

Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Chapters | iBooks | Indiebound

a Rafflecopter giveaway



I received an eARC of this book through NetGalley. All opinions are entirely my own. I’m not being compensated in any way.

16 thoughts on “Blogtour, review and GIVEAWAY: Busted by Gina Ciocca

  1. I’m a teenager, but I don’t like much drama in books hahaha
    However I think I might enjoy the book, so I will add it to my TBR.
    Is the giveaway open internationally?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I actually find the premise so cool I want to go read it immediately! And that’s not something I usually do hahaha
    Too bad it wasn’t that awesome, in the end, even if was short and entertaining and fast-paced – which, again, is not something more contemporaries are, so I’m curious!
    I’m also a bit tired of reading about teenage drama (I’m 25 too!), but I might like this one. Who knows? Depends on the writing, I guess.
    Brilliant review! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you feel like that, you should just do it! Especially if you rarely feel like that about a book, haha.
      You never know if it might be your cup of tea! I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on it if you decide to read it!

      Thank you!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh, my first eARC felt so special to me, haha.
      You’re right though. This one definitely could’ve used a bit of simplification but who knows; some people may really like the drama-overload and all the twists and turns. 🙂


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