TTT: Books that DESERVE A LOUDER VOICE because they’re simply that underrated, in my humble opinion.

We all know it happens a lot. Some books get all the hype, all the attention and everybody keeps shouting about them while other novels? Well.. Those simply disappear into the void to barely be heard from again. I've come across books like that. Books I think deserve to be shared and shouted about, yet nobody does because this and that new release is demanding all their attention. Safe to say I absolutely love this week's topic and am - for once - not going to put my own spin on it!

TTT: Bookish RELATIONSHIPS I absolutely adore ft. NOT only romantic ones.

It might be the week of Valentine's Day - and my due date, oh crap - but that doesn't mean it all has to be lovey-dovey! Sure, there are some romantic relationships that turn me to mush just thinking about them but.. there are also other couples - platonic couples - that make my heart beat faster. Makes sense  that I'm simply using both of those to create this post, right?!

TTT: Should I or shouldn’t I? ft. Kathy doubting whether or not to keep certain books on her TBR.

Don't we all do it? Add books to our "want to read" on Goodreads like a lunatic the moment we see one or two words that convince us it'll be the next best thing? Then we look back after a while and wonder whether it was the right call to make. Maybe we shouldn't have added them that quickly? Maybe we should've read some more reviews? Maybe, just maybe we're a bit too impulsive when it comes to buying books?