The Netgalley Tag


I’ve been tagged in a couple of tags / awards lately – so sorry if I haven’t done it (yet)! – but this one seemed particularly interesting. It’s not the usual “answer these 11 questions”-kind of tag, so I was more tempted to do it, haha.

First! Thank you Maria @ Big City Bookworm for tagging me!


♥ Link back to the tag’s creator Kourtni at Kourtni Reads.
♥ Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
♥ Answer the questions the best you can. If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites or places where you get books!
♥ Tag a few people to do this too.


Who’s one author whose books you automatically want to read, regardless of what they’re about?

I’ll probably be going with the obvious on this one, but it’d be Cassandra Clare. Even though Sarah J. Maas has been conquering my heart as well ever since I read ACOTAR and ACOMAF.


What makes you want to request a book that you see on NetGalley?

I’m one to judge a book by it’s cover. So that’s the first step. If the cover seems interesting, I’m reading the synopsis. If that grabs my attention as well, even more motivation to request it. Last but not least, I check the publication date of the book so I know whether or not I have time to read it in time.
Nothing more horrid than suddenly getting an eARC for a book that’s coming out in a week, haha.

Feedback Ratio

Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?

Up until now, yes. But, as you guys know, I’ve only been at it for a good six weeks. Hadn’t had time to mess it up! And I’m hoping I’ll never mess it up, haha.
I just feel that if you request a book, you’re already committing yourself to actually reading and reviewing it. So if I’ll ever do this tag again and I’m suddenly saying “Nope, I don’t”, please slap me.


If you could create your own badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?

Uhm. Can anyone tell me what a badge exactly is? Because I have no clue?
Or maybe it’s something like “a badge for every bookworm that loves food as well”? I don’t know?!

Wish for It

What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?

Warcross by Marie Lu. Please give me that book. Pretty please?

2017 NetGalley Challenge

What was the last book that you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received an ARC, what’s the last book you reviewed?

That would be 36 Questions that changed my mind about you by Vicky Grant! But my review won’t be posted until closer to publication, haha.

Tag, you’re it!

Everyone who reads this, ha! Don’t forget to pingback to my post so I can check out yours!


6 thoughts on “The Netgalley Tag

  1. Well, I guess I now need to do this tag. lol. Well done.

    And NetGalley has digital badges that you can include on your blog. There’s one for being a NetGalley reviewer, and then you can earn badges for reaching certain milestone numbers for reviews and for request acceptances and more.

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