TTT: TITLES that intrigued me right off the bat.

Top Ten Tuesday

Today’s the first work day of the week and… it’s always weird when you have this Monday-feeling on a different day? Or is it just me?
Anyway! Tuesday means TTT-day, so let’s do this!

TTT general

Today’s topic is “Best Character Names” but I wanted to do something different so… Here are ten books of which the titles got me curious immediately which equaled in me putting them on my TBR immediately – or even buying them stat.

Still on my owned TBR – for now:

He Said/She SaidGirl Hearts GirlThe Art of Baking BlindThe Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things

Read by now – and favorites:

Daughter of the Pirate King (Daughter of the Pirate King, #1)Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things

Added to my TBR immediately, but haven’t bought yet:

Bookshop GirlCinderella, Necromancer (Cinderella, Necromancer #1)When the Beat DropsFat Girl on a Plane

All covers link back to Goodreads if you feel like checking them out!

What kind of titles immediately grab your attention?
Is there a particular theme?



41 thoughts on “TTT: TITLES that intrigued me right off the bat.

  1. The title of Furiously Happy definitely got my attention fast. 🙂 I remember seeing it mentioned on a blog and thinking, “I have *got* to look that one up.” And then when I saw the cover – yeah, I was sold. Fat Girl on a Plan is another that grabbed me. I’m looking forward to that one.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a really nice take on the topic! I love the titles you have (and have added a few to my own TBR) 😉
    I don’t recommend Fat girl on a plane though, there was a lot of discussion on twitter about how it was not good

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this post and your twist on today’s topic! I have read The Earth, my Butt etc. a little while ago… years and years ago, actually, and I picked it up because the title intrigued me as well haha. I hope you’ll enjoy it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I saw that title at the bookstore and just grabbed it. I honestly have no clue what else it’s about. 😛

      I haven’t read her first book yet but I really want to! There’s just been so many other books coming out all the time.. I always forget to buy the older ones I still want to read, ugh..


  4. Ooh I like this one. Quirky titles are always fun! Daughter of the Pirate King is definitely one that gets my attention, and I like Bookshop Girl a lot too.

    Liked by 1 person

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